Shred Head: Stingle
by Tyler Baunghs
There's a specific facet of skating that seems to be gaining more and more traction over the past few years. It's a type of roller skating that mixes elements of street skating with gymnastics (and sometimes even dance). The skates typically used for this sport look similar to those worn for roller derby; skate shoes that have been altered to have trucks and wheels on them. This type of skating is characterized by doing things like hand stands, flips, and spins while hitting transitions at skate parks. It's wild to watch. Our friend and photographer Josh got to witness this first hand at a skatepark in Arizona. That's where he met Stephanie, aka Stingle.
In her own words, Stingle got into skating "by accident". She stumbled upon a video of a girl doing a cartwheel on a transition while skating and wanted to give it a try. She says "adding gymnastics to skating has been her jam since she started". She's been working on landing a front flip out of a bowl. On social media, Stingle strives for authenticity and doesn't sugar coat the level of commitment skating takes.
Throwing yourself at the concrete repeatedly to land a trick once or twice is really crazy if you think about it. But landing a trick you've been working on is the most satisfying thing. There's nothing like it. Especially when you have an awesome squad to cheer you on.
One of the most compelling aspects of this sport is community built around it. When you're at the skate spot aren't taking a turn hitting the ramp, you're actively cheering on your pals, picking them up when they fall and encouraging them to give it another try because they've almost nailed that trick.
To that point, Stingle describes her friends as "goofy, authentic, welcoming, badass people". She finds magic in not only watching her friends progress at skating, but knowing she was a part of that growth. "I've met people from all around the world...It's magical and I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't get those dang wheelie shoes".
Side note: The Weird Wallet made in partnership with allmansright makes taking breaks between runs at the skatepark hit just right.
You can follow Stingle on instagram and see videos of her nailing tricks and sometimes eating shit at @_stingle.