Ty's Holiday Gift Guide
by Tyler Baunghs
It's the highliday season, so we put together Ty's recommendations for great gifts for high minded individuals. There's lots of cool stuff in this list, and only a few of these gift ideas are made by Dangle Supply! Neat! Get these for your friends and family or just put them on your holiday wish list!
Outdoor Voices MegaFleece Snap Up
Outdoor Voices is a cool company full of cool people and cool clothes. Their approach to the outdoors is laidback and inviting (just like ours). The MegaFleece is a really great piece of clothing. On the one hand it's really easy to use this sweatshirt casually while lounging around the house and puffing on a danglebong. It transitions just as easily to being a high tech piece of gear that's perfect for layering under a hardshell in the back country. It's made from recycled wool, which is super snazzy, and comes in all kinds of cool colors!

Allmansright Backpack
Allmansright is a super rad team of 2 based in the Bronx, NY that make INCREDIBLE gear. Their bags make the outdoors more approachable for all kinds of folks; even people who live in the big city. Their backpacks are perfect for all outdoor activities (we're stoked to use this one for ski season), and are made from really lightweight materials. One of their missions is to diversify the outdoors. We work with them on multiple Dangle Supply products and are glad to call them friends!

Gossamer Mag subscription
Our friends over at Gossamer make one of the classiest cannabis publications of all time. They do super cool interviews and great stories. Plus, a magazine subscription is a really cool and unique gift! It's a magazine for people who "also smoke weed". Hey that's me!

Matty Matheson's Cookbook
Matty Matheson makes funny videos, but did you know he's a cook as well? He has a cookbook, and I really want one. Unfortunately he didn't answer my email when I asked him to send me one for this gift guide...but it's ok. It's still a cool gift idea. Maybe cook something out of it with the person you get it for!

Element Field Guide Deck
Sk8boarding is very cool. Mushrooms are veryVERY cool. Element made a mushroom sk8 deck and I think it's the coolest thing ever. It's a good gift for people who either sk8 real good or just want to look cool.

Partner Coffee Buckskin Gloves
Partner Coffee is our favorite local coffee shop (garage) here in Bozeman, MT. Luckily for everyone in the entire world, their website lets you buy merch and ship it anywhere. Their gloves are very cool.

Dangle Supply Fuzzy Hat
It's the best hat and has two modes: flaps up and flaps down. This fleece hat is guaranteed to keep heads cozy during winter sports. It's very cute and snazzy.

When will you be offering the Ti coffee camp mug again?