Stockist HIGHlight with ALCOVE - Heady home goods cannabis design shop
by Dan Gullbongs
This week we are talking with DangleSupply Stockist ALCOVE, a Heady Home goods store formerly of New York City and recently North Carolina.

Alcove's Focus on crafted, analog pieces feels right at home with Dangle Supply and we couldn't be more excited to be working with them.
We sat down with ALCOVE Founder Allie to learn more about them, see what we got into below...
Tell us about your store. How did it come to be? Where are you and who do you sell to?
Alcove is a modern head shop focused on craftsmanship and intelligent design. Our customers come to us for heady, elegant and unique smokeware that they can cherish in their daily lives. We, Allie & Alex, began with a shop in NYC which closed during the first shutdown of the COVID-19 pandemic. We relaunched our website www.alcove.shop to transition to ecommerce only. This allows us to bring our curated selection to stoners & dabblers alike across the U.S., while being closer to family and the great outdoors in the Piedmont region of North Carolina, where we stock, ship, instagram, photograph, and email from a home office.
What impact do you hope that you can have on your community at large?
We hope that we are able to share our enthusiasm for analog smokeware, even as electronic & 'smart' pipes and rigs become more sophisticated. We also hope to impart a respect for the refined labor that goes into woodworking, metalsmithing, ceramics, and glass blowing - skills passed along generations for centuries which need nourishment and support. Design thinking on a small scale and the principles of industrial design on a larger scale are worth consideration, something akin to a meditation, gratitude or mindfulness. The next time you pick up an object that you frequently use, pause for a moment and ask yourself some questions like "how do I think this was made," "what would I change about this object to make it better", or "how could this be adapted for a different use?." It's a rewarding exercise. Alex and I recently had a long discussion trying to imagine the inner workings of our Freezer's ice machine!
What is your current favorite piece of gear?
My sister noticed my envy of her and her husband's huge, matching YETI coffee mugs, which they take for a walk in Prospect Park every morning & got us a pair over the holidays. It's the kick in the butt I need to start the day with a brisk walk and I love the sage green color.
What does HighOutside mean to you?
What does HighOutside mean to you?
HighOutside is one of the best ways to spend an afternoon!
Anything you want to tell the people?
Anything you want to tell the people?
We appreciate you.
Thanks so much for taking the time Allie!
Learn more about Alcove or see the DangleSupply products there at Alcove.shop
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