• DangleBong™️ Titanium Water Pipe
  • Titanium Water pipe
  • DangleBong™️ Titanium Water Pipe
  • Blue Speckled titanium waterpipe
  • DangleBong™️ Titanium Water Pipe
  • DangleBong™️ Titanium Water Pipe
  • DangleBong™️ Titanium Water Pipe
  • DangleBong™️ Titanium Water Pipe
  • DangleBong™️ Titanium Water Pipe
  • DangleBong™️ Titanium Water Pipe

DangleBong™️ Titanium Water Pipe

Regular price $152.69

The DangleBong™ Titanium Waterpipe is the world's first and only Titanium Water Pipe. This virtually indestructible Titanium Bong system goes anywhere with you and delivers a perfect hit every time, on the go. An unbreakable bong you will surely be passing down to your favorite grandchild.

The DangleBong Titanium Water pipe features a fixed 18mm down stem with extra percolation holes in the bottom to ensure a clean, smooth and cool hit every time.

The included 18mm UltraSucc Titanium bowl is made from elemental, medical grade titanium with not one, but 5 holes for an even burn and easy cleaning. The DangleBong Titanium Water pipe is also compatible with your favorite 18mm accessories.

Also included with your DangleBong Titanium Water Pipe is a RubbPlugg rubber plug. The silicone plug is a convenient place to store your bowl while you are out adventuring on your way to get HighOutside.

The DangleBong measures 7" tall to strike that balance between a good cool hit, and compact Dangleability. With the bowl and the RubbPlugg the whole piece weighs 133 grams. 

Never buy a fragile glass waterpipe when you can have unbreakable medical-grade non-reactive titanium in a compact package.

Customer Reviews

Based on 49 reviews
Peter Rolph
Quality, durability, convenience

Just what I hoped for

K M.

If you hold pull out to the side works great no splash!
Needed a good scrub first was dirty from welding or something(lost 5th star).
Very happy after that. stylish and useful
Have small blue with speckles

James Koo

Pure form, simple design, and stacked dime welds. Solid craftmanship for bong and bowl as well.
Just the right number of holes and opening area for ideal pull. Pulls 'old school'...chugs...not wimpy slurp.
My go-to portable, but perfect for anywhere really.
Only wish it had a plug for the downstem so I can use it as a boiling cup :-)

charles totaro


sick as fr*ck

super trill